Contents of Robinson Rancheria Tribal Code
Title 1
Government and Administration
- 1.01 Code Adoption
- 1.05.010 Definitions.
- 1.05.020 Eligibility.
- 1.05.030 Ineligibility.
- 1.05.040 Tribal authority.
- 1.05.050 Filing of membership application.
- 1.05.060 Approval or disapproval of applications.
- 1.05.070 Appeals.
- 1.05.080 Adoption.
- 1.05.090 Burden of proof.
- 1.05.100 Born out of wedlock.
- 1.05.110 Dual enrollment.
- 1.05.120 Relinquishment.
- 1.05.130 Marriages.
- 1.05.140 Membership roll preparation.
- 1.05.150 Certification of roll.
- 1.05.160 Keeping membership roll current.
- 1.05.170 Blood degree corrections.
- 1.05.180 Disenrollment.
- 1.10.010 Statements of purpose.
- 1.10.020 Definition of terms.
- 1.10.030 Eligibility to vote.
- 1.10.040 Eligibility to hold office.
- 1.10.050 Election committee.
- 1.10.060 Duties of the election committee.
- 1.10.070 Candidate.
- 1.10.080 Manner of voting.
- 1.10.090 Election results.
- 1.10.100 Appeals.
- 1.10.110 Removal – Recall – Forfeiture.
- 1.10.120 Vacancies.
- 1.10.130 Special elections.
- 1.10.140 Amendments.
- 1.10.150 Limitations.
- 1.15 Exclusion of Persons from the Reservation
- Title 2 Tribal Court
Title 3
Tribal Services
Housing Commission Charter and Bylaws
- 3.05.010 Findings.
- 3.05.020 Purposes.
- 3.05.030 Definitions.
- 3.05.040 Creation of the Robinson Rancheria housing commission.
- 3.05.050 Commissioners, officers and personnel.
- 3.05.060 Additional tribe/sub-recipient agreements.
- 3.05.070 Functions and powers of the commission.
- 3.05.080 Meetings.
- 3.05.090 Conflicts of interest, nepotism, safeguard.
- 3.05.100 Property exempt from levy and sale.
- 3.05.110 Disputes.
- 3.05.120 Amendments.
- 3.05.130 Severability.
- 3.05.140 Administrative costs.
- 3.10 Land Assignment
- 3.15 General Welfare
Housing Commission Charter and Bylaws
Title 4
- 4.05.010 Findings and policy.
- 4.05.020 Definitions.
- 4.05.030 Ownership of gaming.
- 4.05.040 Gaming commission.
- 4.05.050 Unauthorized gaming prohibited.
- 4.05.060 Gaming revenues.
- 4.05.070 Operation of gaming enterprises.
- 4.05.080 Audits.
- 4.05.090 Licenses.
- 4.05.100 Application forms.
- 4.05.110 Class III gaming – Tribal-state compacts.
- 4.05.120 Interest in management contracts by tribal officials.
- 4.05.130 Regulation of specific games.
- 4.10 Allocation and Disbursement of Net Revenue
Title 5
Business Licensing
- 5.05.010 Definitions.
- 5.05.020 Prohibition on engaging in business without a license.
- 5.05.030 Establishment of terms and conditions.
- 5.05.040 Delegation of authority.
- 5.05.050 Imposition of license – Unlawful to carry on business without license.
- 5.05.060 Branch establishments.
- 5.05.070 Licensees requiring tribal permits.
- 5.05.080 Licensees required to comply with the tribe’s zoning ordinance.
- 5.05.090 Business license application referral.
- 5.05.100 Exclusion.
- 5.05.110 Exemptions.
- 5.05.120 License application – Contents.
- 5.05.130 Annual fees.
- 5.05.140 Daily licenses.
- 5.05.150 License to be issued upon payment of fee.
- 5.05.160 Restaurants.
- 5.05.170 Determination of type of business.
- 5.05.180 Form of license.
- 5.05.190 License fee – Flat rate.
- 5.05.200 Procedure for amending business license rates.
- 5.05.210 Enforcement.
- 5.05.220 Duty to inspect.
- 5.05.230 Penalty for nonpayment.
- 5.05.240 Revocation of license.
- 5.05.250 Penalty for violation of chapter.
- 5.05.260 Remedies cumulative.
- 5.05.270 License not transferable – Amended license for changed location.
- 5.05.280 Duplicate license.
- 5.05.290 Posting of business license.
Business Site Leasing
- Article I. Introduction
- Article II. Definitions
Article III.
Business Site lease Requirements
- 5.10.060 Terms and conditions.
- 5.10.070 Duration and renewal.
- 5.10.080 Obtaining a business site lease.
- 5.10.090 Space leases.
- 5.10.100 Land descriptions.
- 5.10.110 Appraisal – Local studies.
- 5.10.120 Fair annual lease value.
- 5.10.130 Environmental review process.
- 5.10.140 Insurance.
- 5.10.150 Performance bond.
- 5.10.160 Improvements.
- 5.10.170 Subleases, assignments, amendments, and mortgages.
- Article IV. Business Lease Management
- Article V. Enforcement
- Article VI. Appeals
- Article VII. Environmental Review Process
- Article VIII. Sovereign Immunity
Liquor and Beer
- 5.15.010 Title and purpose.
- 5.15.020 Authority.
- 5.15.030 Definitions.
- Article I. Prohibition
- Article II. Licensing
Article III.
General Rules, Regulations, and Enforcement
- 5.15.120 Sales or possession with intent to sell without a permit.
- 5.15.130 Purchase from other than licensed facilities.
- 5.15.140 Sales to persons under the influence of liquor.
- 5.15.150 Consuming liquor in public conveyance.
- 5.15.160 Consumption or possession of liquor by persons under 21 years of age.
- 5.15.170 Sale of liquor to persons under 21 years of age.
- 5.15.180 Transfer of identification of minor.
- 5.15.190 Use of false or altered identification.
- 5.15.200 Acceptable identification.
- 5.15.210 Possession of liquor contrary to this chapter.
- 5.15.220 Disposition of seized contraband.
- 5.15.230 Special restrictions.
- Article IV. Liquor and Beer Sales and Transportation
- Article V. Taxation and Audits
- Article VI. Liability, Insurance and Soverign Immunity
- Article VII. Violation – Penalties
Business Licensing
Title 6
Immunity Defenses and Indemnification
- 6.05 Definitions
- 6.10 Immunity Defenses of the Tribe and Tribal Entities
- 6.15 Suits Against Elected Officials, Employees, and Officers
Immunity Defenses of Elected Officials, Employees, and Officers
- 6.20.010 Sovereign immunity of elected officials, employees, and officers.
- 6.20.020 Absolute immunity of elected officials, employees, and officers.
- 6.20.030 Positions, employments, or offices entitled to absolute immunity.
- 6.20.040 Qualified immunity of elected officials, employees, and officers.
- 6.20.050 Assertion of the defense of immunity – Sovereign, absolute, or qualified – By elected officials, employees, or officers.
- 6.25 Indemnification of Elected Officials, Employees, and Officers
Title 7
Peace and Security
- 7.05 Jurisdiction and Construction
- 7.10.010 Authority of the officers.
- 7.10.020 Service of the citation.
- 7.10.030 Citation requirements.
- 7.10.040 Identification.
- 7.10.050 Seizure/forfeiture of property.
- 7.10.060 Second notice.
- 7.10.070 Final determination unless contested.
- 7.10.080 Response to citation options.
- 7.10.090 Failure to respond.
- 7.10.100 Hearing.
- 7.10.110 Tribal court decision.
Violations Against the Government
- 7.15.010 Disrupting meetings, processions and ceremonies.
- 7.15.020 Threatens or intimidates a citizens business council member, gaming commissioner or other government official.
- 7.15.030 Disturbing religious or ceremonial meetings.
- 7.15.040 Entering ceremonial buildings or ceremonial area or tribally approved function under the influence.
- 7.15.050 Assault and battery of a citizens business council member, gaming commissioner or other government official.
- 7.15.060 Riot.
- 7.15.070 Unlawful assembly.
- 7.15.080 Unlawful conspiracy.
- 7.15.090 Escaping or aiding a fugitive or excluded person.
- 7.15.100 Resisting lawful arrest or detention.
- 7.15.110 Failure to aid an officer.
- 7.15.120 False arrest.
- 7.15.130 False report of violation or incident.
- 7.15.140 Perjury.
- 7.15.150 Failure to appear by complaint.
- 7.15.160 Failure to obey a lawful order of a court.
- 7.15.170 Purloining tribal records.
- 7.15.180 Threatening or intimidating a victim, witness or informant.
- 7.20 Violations Against Persons
Crimes Against Children
- 7.25.010 Failure to provide for child.
- 7.25.020 Willful harm or injury to a child, endangering child or health.
- 7.25.030 Corporal punishment on a child.
- 7.25.040 Contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
- 7.25.050 Lewd acts with a child.
- 7.25.060 Minors – Alcohol and controlled substances.
- 7.25.070 Curfew violations.
- 7.25.080 Failure to send children to school – Truancy.
Crimes Against Property
- 7.30.010 Definitions.
- 7.30.020 Malicious mischief.
- 7.30.030 Trespass.
- 7.30.040 Reckless damage or destruction.
- 7.30.050 Arson.
- 7.30.060 Litter of roads and other public grounds.
- 7.30.070 Maintaining a public nuisance.
- 7.30.080 Burglary.
- 7.30.090 Theft.
- 7.30.100 Receiving or concealing stolen property.
- 7.30.110 Illegal dumping.
- 7.30.120 Injuring fences.
- 7.30.130 Unauthorized use and injury of property.
- 7.30.140 Embezzlement and bribery.
- 7.35 Crimes Against the Peace
Crimes Against Community Welfare
- 7.40.010 Possession of a controlled substance.
- 7.40.020 Possession or distribution of alcohol and controlled substances in, on or near schools, playgrounds or youth centers.
- 7.40.030 Under the influence.
- 7.40.040 Possession of controlled substance paraphernalia, instruments for injecting or smoking.
- 7.40.050 Distribution of alcohol or controlled substances by persons under the age of 21 years.
- 7.40.060 Hallucinogenic controlled substances.
- 7.40.070 Intoxication by inhaling.
- 7.40.080 Misrepresentation of age by purchaser.
- 7.40.090 Carrying a concealed weapon within a vehicle or on person.
- 7.40.100 Possession of loaded firearm.
- 7.40.110 Profiteering.
- 7.40.120 Failure to register a dog or cat.
- 7.40.130 Permitting animals at large.
- 7.40.140 Possession of a vicious dog.
- 7.40.150 Animal disturbance.
- 7.40.160 Keeping of impermissible animals.
- 7.40.170 Cruelty to animals.
- 7.45 Penalties and Collection
Title 8
Traffic and Motor Vehicles
General Provisions
- 8.05.010 Purpose, findings and construction.
- 8.05.020 Jurisdiction.
- 8.05.030 Explanation of privilege.
- 8.05.040 Officers to enforce traffic codes.
- 8.05.050 Effect of invalidity.
- 8.05.060 Prior traffic laws and code repealed.
- 8.05.070 Definitions.
- 8.05.080 Notice of infraction issuance by enforcement officer.
- 8.05.090 Issuance by court.
- 8.05.100 Citation form.
- 8.05.110 Options for response.
- 8.05.120 Time of initial hearing.
- 8.05.130 Failure to appear in court.
- 8.05.140 Hearings for infractions.
- 8.05.150 Orders of the court.
- 8.10 Vehicle Registration and License Plates
- 8.15 Driver’s License and Privileges
- 8.20 Financial Responsibility
- 8.25 Rules of the Road
- 8.30 Driving, Overtaking and Passing
- 8.35.010 Right-of-way at intersections.
- 8.35.020 Left turn and U-turn right-of-way.
- 8.35.030 Right-of-way at stop signs and intersection.
- 8.35.040 Entry onto a highway.
- 8.35.050 Right-of-way to authorized emergency vehicle.
- 8.35.060 Right-of-way at crosswalk.
- 8.35.070 Pedestrian outside of crosswalk.
- 8.40 Turning, Stopping, Following
- 8.45 Speed and Speed Related Offenses
Public Offenses – Definitions and Exemptions
- 8.50.010 Authorized emergency vehicle.
- 8.50.020 Exemption of authorized emergency vehicle.
- 8.50.030 Obedience of officers required.
- 8.50.040 Evading an officer.
- 8.50.050 Vehicle tampering.
- 8.50.060 Malicious mischief to a vehicle.
- 8.50.070 Throwing substances from or at a vehicle.
- 8.50.080 Hazardous materials.
- 8.50.090 Interfering with driver or mechanisms.
- 8.55 Alcohol and Drug Related Vehicle Offenses
- 8.60 Safety Restraints and Requirements
Equipment of Vehicles
- 8.65.010 Equipment required.
- 8.65.020 Bald tires.
- 8.65.030 Use of multiple-beam headlights.
- 8.65.040 Vehicle body projections.
- 8.65.050 Material obstructing driver’s view.
- 8.65.060 Sound amplification devices.
- 8.65.070 Unlawful operation after notice by officer.
- 8.65.080 Notice to correct violation.
- 8.70 Motorcycle and Off Road Vehicles
- 8.75 Bicycles
- 8.80 Parking
- 8.85 Vehicle Storage and Impound
General Provisions
- Tables