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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 12-15-2021B Traffic and motor vehicles 12/15/2021 Codified
Ord. 12-15-2021A Peace and security 12/15/2021 Codified
Ord. Allocation and Disbursement of Net Revenue from Tribal Gaming Ordinance Allocation and disbursement of net revenue from tribal gaming 11/8/1997 Codified
Ord. Gaming Ordinance Gaming ordinance 7/23/1993 Codified
Ord. Liquor and Beer Ordinance Liquor and beer Codified
Res. 09-09-2020B General welfare 9/9/2020 Codified
Ord. 05-31-2018-C Immunity defenses and indemnification 5/31/2018 Codified
Ord. 05-31-2018-B Business site leasing 5/31/2018 Codified
Ord. 05-31-2018-A Business licensing 5/31/2018 Codified
Ord. 15-02 Housing commission charter and bylaws 9/23/2015 Codified
Ord. 2010-08-01 Exclusion of persons from the reservation 8/26/2009 Codified
Ord. 2009-06-03 Tribal court 6/2/2009 Codified
Res. 3-21-98-A Allocation and disbursement of net revenue from tribal gaming, approval of secretary 3/24/1998 Not codified
Res. 1-18-86-B Elections 1/18/1986 Codified
Ord. 4 Land assignment Codified
Ord. 1 Enrollment 12/11/1985 Codified